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Five Tips For Choosing A Picture Frame

Here are five tips and suggestions for choosing a picture frame that I hope help as a starting point. It is surprising how a frame can completely change the mood and look of a painting; it is worth spending some time researching before framing any of your precious...

(Video) Illustration Next Scruffy Dog page

Scruffy Dog Book I thought I would add a speckled frogs illustration to the Scruffy Dog Book. Would you like to have a quick peek as to where I am up to with this illustration?  I decided to just grab a pencil and come up with the concept of Scruffy dog, and his...
(Video) Scruffy Dog Book

(Video) Scruffy Dog Book

Scruffy Dog Book… Scruff Dog book has finally started. The first page has now been painted. Now I am on to the next one. I “only” have about another 20 -30 paintings to do which I must admit is kind of scary and overwhelming. The Journey Of  Scruffy Dog Perhaps...

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